Friday, February 24, 2006

MSN Late Night Thoughts or IPSE DIXIT

From Emanuele's conversation on MSN:

" Lele says:
you don't have to think that you're stupid because you think that I think that you are stupid, because, given that I don't think that you are stupid and neither that you think that you are stupid, you cannot think that I think that you are stupid. So you are not stupid ....

Lele says:
...or whatever..."

So the question is: Is Emanuele stupid? Any comment is welcomed.


Blogger Gonçalo said...


11:36 AM  
Blogger pauloabx said...

I'm confused. But with the alleged fact that emanuele was with 17 brazilian dancers (supposedly girl, but I'm not sure) yesterday night, instead of being with four non-brazilian guys, should signal that maybe not...

2:34 PM  
Blogger pauloabx said...

(on the other hand, he was being raped, which implies non-desire, which is definitely not very smart)

2:35 PM  

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