Friday, February 24, 2006

MSN Late Night Thoughts or IPSE DIXIT

From Emanuele's conversation on MSN:

" Lele says:
you don't have to think that you're stupid because you think that I think that you are stupid, because, given that I don't think that you are stupid and neither that you think that you are stupid, you cannot think that I think that you are stupid. So you are not stupid ....

Lele says:
...or whatever..."

So the question is: Is Emanuele stupid? Any comment is welcomed.

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Find the bands (74!)

Free Image Hosting at
Some easy ones:
- Queen
- Prince
- Pet Shop Boys
- Rolling Stones
- Smashing Pumpkins
Have fun! (this will be the destruction of your study period I know, but...)

On the way to glory

Konstantinos, prepare your 20€...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Here is the eagle, Vitória

I definitely wanna be a CURLING fan

Winter Olympics Games, Torino 2006, UK Curling Team Supporter

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Late night Macro problem setting

Robert diz:

Do you mind if I include a footnote on the front page saying roughly: "The authors would like to thank Harald Uhlig for realising the ultimate dream of the macroeconomics profession: push-button modelling without the need to understand what the hell did it did."

Monday, February 20, 2006

Federico in love

Originally uploaded by pauloabx.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Portuguese Skepticism

Saturday, February 18, 2006

As promised, here it is:

(But it goes without the name, future Nobel Prize.)

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Emanuele looks good in leather

Check it out here. (Press "Free", wait some seconds and put the letter code to see Lele uncovered).

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Breaking News

We just had an informal report that PEPE MANOLO, student extraordinaire, is the first human to have completed the reading of Ventura's chapter "A Global View of Economic Growth”. We wait for confirmation on this remarkable event.

We accept bets...

.. for how many beers Timo has already drunk in Austria:

A) 10 - Odds - 1.5
B) 20 - Odds - 1.3
C) 30 - Odds - 1.1
D) 0 - Odds - 1000(this is like giving money to charity)

An esmall and estupid...

... hi to everyone!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Happy Family

I've taken a look at the picture of Gonç's family. Very cool.
But..... i feel like ..... there's something wrong.... Who's the green-scarf-guy behind??!? Bah...


Happy Valentine's Federico .... I miss you.... eh eh

Timo is both esmall and estupid...

...but he's the only one celebrating Valentine's properly. Screw you Timo.